AI-Education Projects

Update (Feb 2024): We’re hiring! Check out our volunteer job posting for more information.

The AI-Education Research Lab at SFU is dedicated to developing innovative projects that leverage AI technologies to enhance the learning experience for students and educators. These projects aim to address various aspects of education, including personalized learning, assessment, student support, and administrative efficiency. By integrating AI capabilities into educational tools and platforms, the initiative seeks to create impactful solutions that promote student success and empower educators.

List of Projects

  1. [In-development] Gamified Geeks
  2. [In-development] Peer Review Application
  3. [New] Co-pilot Grading Tool
  4. [New] AI-Powered Web Development Course Platform
  5. [New] FAQ Chatbot for Course and University Information

Gamified Geeks [In-development]

The Gamified Coding Practice Application project aims to help students learn and practice coding skills. By leveraging the power of modern technologies, personalization, and gamification, the application intends to create an engaging and efficient learning experience for students.

The primary objective of the project is to develop a dynamic web application that encourages students to practice coding by providing them with a gamified environment. The application will let students choose their preferred programming language to focus on, allowing them to tailor their learning experience according to their individual needs and interests.

To achieve this, the project will utilize React JS, a powerful JavaScript library. It will form the foundation of the application’s front-end, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly interface for students. The core functionality of the Gamified Coding Practice Application will be built around Open AI’s APIs. It will generate coding questions tailored to the selected programming language.

The gamified nature of the application will enhance student engagement by incorporating elements such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards. By making coding practice enjoyable and interactive, the application will encourage students to dedicate more time and effort to their learning journey.

This project was started in partnership with students from UBC and is currently in the development phase. The team is looking for passionate and dedicated students to join the project and contribute to its success. New team members will be expected to get up to speed with the project’s current state and contribute to its development.

Peer Review Application [In-development]

This project aims to develop a user-friendly platform designed to streamline the assignment submission and evaluation processes for both students and instructors. Its primary goal is to establish a smooth system that allows students to effortlessly submit assignments and obtain prompt feedback. The platform will offer a feature where students can assess a predetermined number of their peers' assignments as assigned by their instructor, thus providing insightful feedback on their classmates' work.

Furthermore, the platform will facilitate students in evaluating their peers' contributions in group assignments, ensuring that each member’s input is recognized. This peer evaluation is structured to be fair and anonymous, fostering a sense of collaboration, accountability, and skill development among students.

For instructors, this platform promises a user-friendly interface for assignment creation, management of evaluations, and access to feedback. It will provide instructors with a comprehensive view of student progress, enabling effective assessment of both individual and group performances.

Overall, this project is dedicated to creating an inclusive, interactive learning environment. It will enable students to submit assignments, receive and provide feedback, assess peers' contributions in group tasks, and gain insights into their own contributions. Simultaneously, it will equip instructors with essential tools to oversee assignments, conduct evaluations, and monitor student progress. This initiative is geared towards encouraging active student participation in the learning process and fostering a collaborative, enriching educational experience.

This project was started in partnership with students from UBC and is currently in the development phase. The team is looking for passionate and dedicated students to join the project and contribute to its success. New team members will be expected to get up to speed with the project’s current state and contribute to its development.

Co-pilot Grading Tool [New]

This project aims to develop an innovative web application or plugin, specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Canvas. The core functionality of this tool is to assist teaching assistants and educators in efficiently grading student submissions, leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By utilizing OpenAI’s advanced API, the tool will provide accurate, consistent, and fast assessment of various types of student submissions, ranging from short answers to complex essays.

The application will be developed using JavaScript. This choice ensures easy integration with most LMS platforms, which often support custom JavaScript plugins or extensions. The user interface will be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing educators to easily navigate through the tool, set grading parameters, and review AI-generated grades and feedback. The application will also include features to customize the grading rubric, ensuring that the AI’s assessment aligns closely with the course’s specific grading criteria.

A significant feature of this tool will be its ability to learn and adapt to the specific grading style of each educator. Through initial input and ongoing interaction, the AI will calibrate its grading algorithms to mirror the educator’s preferences, ensuring consistency and fairness in grading. Additionally, the tool will provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement to students, enhancing the learning experience and providing valuable insights into their performance.

Security and privacy will be paramount in the development of this application. All student data will need to be removed before any AI processing is performed. Human oversight will be incorporated to ensure the accuracy and fairness of the AI-generated grades. The application will also comply with all relevant privacy regulations and guidelines, ensuring the protection of student data.

AI-Powered Web Development Course Platform [New]

This project aims to create an innovative web platform, built with React/JavaScript, tailored to streamline the grading process for instructors and empower students to manage their accounts effectively. The primary functionality of this platform is to accept HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, as well as website links, and utilize OpenAI’s ChatGPT API capabilities for automated grading based on provided answer keys and rubrics.

Developed as a React-based web application, this platform will offer a seamless user experience for both instructors and students. Instructors can easily input their custom grading rubrics and answer keys, allowing for flexibility and adaptability to course-specific requirements. The user-friendly interface will facilitate the efficient management of grading tasks.

One of the platform’s distinguishing features will be its AI-driven grading system. Leveraging AI technologies, the platform will swiftly evaluate submissions, ensuring consistency and accuracy in grading. The AI will continuously learn and adjust its grading patterns to match the instructor’s style, enhancing the grading process’s fairness and precision over time.

Furthermore, students will have the ability to create accounts, submit their work, and access their graded assignments and feedback through the platform. This comprehensive approach promotes student engagement and provides a centralized hub for their coursework.

Security and privacy are paramount considerations in the platform’s development. Student data will undergo thorough anonymization and privacy measures before AI processing. Human oversight will be implemented to maintain the integrity of AI-generated grades. The platform will adhere to all relevant data privacy regulations and guidelines to safeguard student information.

FAQ Chatbot for Course and University Information [New]

This project aims to develop an AI-powered chatbot designed to assist students in accessing course information, resources, and support. The chatbot will be integrated into the university’s website, providing a user-friendly interface for students to ask questions and receive prompt, accurate responses.

The chatbot will be built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT API, enabling it to understand and respond to a wide range of student inquiries. It will be programmed to provide information on course schedules, prerequisites, registration procedures, academic resources, and general inquiries related to the university’s academic offerings.

The chatbot’s AI capabilities will allow it to engage in natural language conversations, offering students a seamless and interactive experience. It will be designed to handle multiple queries simultaneously, ensuring efficient and responsive support for students seeking information.

The chatbot’s integration into the university’s website will provide students with 24/7 access to course-related information and assistance. It will serve as a valuable resource for students navigating academic requirements, deadlines, and course offerings, enhancing their overall experience and facilitating informed decision-making.

The development of the chatbot will prioritize user experience, accuracy, and security. It will adhere to best practices in AI chatbot design, ensuring that students receive reliable and relevant information. Privacy and data protection measures will be implemented to safeguard student inquiries and interactions with the chatbot.